
Board Agenda

Board Agenda is a progressive and independent resource for a global community of executive & non-executive board directors, institutional investors and recognised industry experts, providing access to insight, intelligence and shared experience about emerging issues that are shaping corporate strategy.

The roles and responsibilities of board directors and corporate leadership teams in the UK, Europe & around the world have become more complex as they encounter a rapidly evolving social, economic, environmental & regulatory landscape. Board Agenda provides news, informed opinion, insight and intelligence about emerging governance, strategy, risk and ethical business issues that are shaping corporate strategy. Subscribers receive free access to a premier business magazine, extensive online resources & invitations to networking events.

Our insight & research programme is enhanced by experienced non-executive and executive board directors, as well as investors, governance professionals, economists, academics, politicians and regulators from Europe and across the world, with thousands of articles, reports and case studies available on every conceivable issue that board members encounter.

Board Agenda’s purpose is to support board executives, so they gain insight about issues that impact on corporate governance, acquire specific knowledge about board practices, navigate the increasing complexities of their role, embed best practice in their board activities, help them achieve effective board oversight and ensure their performance as board members is exemplary.

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